Sunday, 27 March 2011

MAD COW DISEASE! :) by chuiying (Yvonne)

Hello there, I was doing a research on mad cow disease while doing the introduction for the report so i intend to blog about mad cow disease? . :) the information is this post is based on my understanding for mad cow disease and it might be wrong alright. :)

Mad cow disease is also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy in scientific terms. In 1997, Professor Stanley Prusiner, M.D, a Professor from the University of California won the Nobel Prize by discovering prions and also the harm that deformation of prions will bring. According to his research, mad cow disease is due to the deformation of the protein which is prion which will destroy the cow's brain by eating it away. 

Mad cow disease is not contagious like the common flu but we can get infected if we consume beef from cows that were infected with mad cow disease. :( . Sadly but true, mad cow disease could not be eliminated by cooking, chemical disinfection or radiation. The only way to prevent humans from getting mad cow disease is to check every cow before slaughtering them to see if they have been affected with mad cow disease. 

While doing the research for mad cow disease, i came across something which i found it unbelievable. One of the reasons why did mad cow disease spread is that in order for the cows to get a source of protein in their diet, they are fed remains of another cow(like slaughterhouse waste) to the living cows. This surprised me a lot as i thought the cows would reject what is fed to them as they might be able to detect that the feed is not "vegetarian" anymore but they still ate the feed. The cows were made to act against the will of nature by consuming flesh when they are supposed to be herbivores!

Humans that are infected with mad cow disease will react strongly to everything around them even it is just a gentle touch. Most of the people infected with mad cow disease will die.  

Thats all for my post. :)


References :
Organic Consumers Association, (n.d). Mad Cow Disease: Stop the Madness. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from
Sustainable.Org, (n.d). MAD COW DISEASERetrieved March 27, 2011, from
World Health Organization, (2011). Eight questions consumers should ask on the threat of mad cow diesease. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from


  1. Cows eating cows is inhumane to do by feeding so :(. So through proper cooking, the disease is prevented too?

  2. oh my god it supposed to be could not be . :x i have done the corrrections in the post already

  3. the disease occurs before cooking? so is like they check symptoms of the cattle like the production of their milk, their muscle coordination etc. to know if the cattle is down with mad cow disease.
