Saturday, 30 April 2011

Meal carts & AGV.

Hello (:

Just thought of posting a picture of a PMDC (patient Meal Delivery Cart) with a automated guided vehicles. (:

I used to think that the meal carts are pushed by labourer. but NO!This is how they sent their meals to patient. The AGV (automated guided vehicles) will transport the Cart up to the wards. Only when the carts are up to the level, then there will be people who push the carts down.

The AGV, instead of reading to a satellite, it is reading to reflectors in a warehouse. They have computers to configure the paths of AGVs.

When I first saw this is really awesome to me! AGVs also have their own lift to send the carts up.they don't use lifts whereby staffs are using.

Thanks for reading. (:
-Jiamin (karmin)

Credits: Fork Lift Action
Extracted on : 30/4/11

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