Sunday, 5 June 2011

E.Coli Outbreak in Germany-Maryann Rolands

I know you guys are all busy with SIP but I cant help but write about the latest food safety issue that has plagued Germany with a death toll of 22. Yes, the main culprit is the rare strain of toxic E.coli bacteria. The food it was found in was unknown to everyone until yesterday. It was found in beansprouts, Germans were told to completely stop consumption of beansprouts and to be extra careful to stop the consumption of tomatoes,cucumbers and lettuce until it has been confirmed by the labs. A few days ago, I read the news in Singapore that you were warned not to consume these vegetables raw, well guess what? I took that literally and totally stopped my consumption of raw vegetables until this issue simmers down. I trust Singapore's food safety system therefore I followed the warning accordingly. Since I am talking about this unfortunate issue, I wish to bring up that days ago when I was buying Bubble tea at a taiwanese stall, an Australian Asian came up to me and told me to make this my last tea consumption at that stall. I was surprised! Than he reminded me of the Jin guo wan and sunlight brand fruit juice concentrates containing high amounts of DEHP which is a type of toxic plasticiser. Japan"s green tea is also banned in Singapore due to radioactive substance contamination. I was so afraid because i was told of dodgy systems overseas, I seriously wish I were home where I am sure of what I am consuming. As for now, I got to leave things be and hope everything I am consuming has been checked. Hope you guys are extra careful with what you consume and will realise that food scares out of Singapore is uncontrollable sometimes, we should appreciate the AVA for their vigilance in continueing to protect the population by carrying out stringent checks.

Let me know what you think:)


1 comment:

  1. I heard from my boss that brazil also suspect their cabbage had this outbreak, it was produce from other country, imported from germany, they then threw everything but came to realise it was clean as germany advise them to do so. Now they wanted a refund but still unknown yet haha.
