Pang Kar Min TA04
While researching,
environmental organizations and public groups are protesting strongly against GM food.
there's alot of issues on people against GM food and for GM food.
To debate among the pros and cons is really to difficult to decide whether its good to go for GM food or not.
Since population is growing abundantly now, isn't it good enough that GM is "curing" hunger.
people go against GM food due to environment factor, but then come to think again, can the world's environment be saved if we totally banned GM food? and what about the large population's hunger and the malnutrition problem faced? If people are so against GM food and wanting to stop it..but those people who go againsr it can they find alternatives way to 'cure' these hunger and malnutrition in time? is there sufficient? I think at this point of time we can only have both GM food and organic food's existence but we have no say to totally go against it or totally stop the manufacturing of GM food.
all we can do is to label and if people who are against can go alll the way for organic food.
however, there should be great demand in safety caution on GM food to reduce unintended harm to human health.
I guess those people who are against gm food does not see the "bigger" picture. either way, human are growing too much.