Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Are we consuming GM foods? -Maryann Rolands

Guys, Singapore is importing 90% of food products. This is because we dont have much primary producers due to lack of land. Soybean,maize,cotton and canola are the main four GM crops that are exported. This is based on assumption, Singaporeans love soybean milk? I know i love it. Do you think that we are consuming GM soy all the time? and how do we tell? From research, They say that currently there is no legislations in place for labelling in Singapore. So, how would we know? Currently, according to AVA they just have to go through tracing requirements and have a proper ingredient list. labelling of GM foods is a complicated issue in Singapore. GMAC says that there are alot of factors that may implicate such as tax, pricing, imports etc.

The government website states the the GM foods we consume is safe for consumption as stated by AVA. My question to all this is don't consumers have the right to know what is going into our foods? what if i am anti-GM due to personal reasons? what if I believe there may be health complications involved? is it fair for consumers if the GM food is not labelled? especially after knowing most of our foods are actually imported from other countries. Does it take a food crisis to spark people to talk about this issue. I feel this to be a serious issue. and to be honest I did not know of this until i did this research on consumer rights and labels on GM foods. Hopefully, this will help Fangmin and Ain in writing about the controversial issues in the report.


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