Monday, 25 July 2011

Good or bad?

Hey guys, recently, there are many reports on fake food. Like fake eggs, fake beef, fake lamb.

Recently in China, there is this "exploding watermelon" as the farms inject some hormones to make it grow faster, sweeter and bigger just like how people inject hormones to make the chickens grow up faster. The watermelon would actually explode like a bomb(but dont know when) which I feel that is quite dangerous as the skin of watermelon is thick and it will cause at least a bruise if injured by the flying skin.

It makes me wonder, all these alterations on food has been done against how things are in in the nature. Just like the issue of geneticaly modified food which we did for our report. The food is almost not the same anymore as we all know that genes kind of alters and also decides how we are. After altering the genes or inserting new genes, the food is not the food that it is supposed to be anymore. That is what I feel. It makes me think if in the future, we might just need to pop a pill and it actually contains all the nutrients that we need and most importantly, the calories we need for survival.

Are we eating food or are we eating products that are man made?

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