Saturday, 23 July 2011

human milk in cow?

hey guys(: here is something i found out while researching.

Scientists are actually trying to inject human genes into cow in order for the cow to produce a more "human" milk that contains higher prebiotics and antibodies! however, animal protectors are strictly against this research as it may harm the future development of the calf.

This research, which is being lead by China said that genetically modified food would not pose a threat to food safety. however, other researches shows that "resulted in 42 transgenic calves being born, just 26 of the animals survived after ten died shortly after birth, most with gastrointestinal disease, and a further six died within six months of birth." 

Not only this, response in the market has been negative about the issue of purchasing this modified product. 

so, what do you guys think? to buy or not to buy?? THAT is a question(:

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